Electrochemical nano-genosensor for highly sensitive detection of miR-21 biomarker based on SWCNT-grafted dendritic Au nanostructure for early detection of prostate cancer

Electrochemical nano-genosensor for highly sensitive detection of miR-21 biomarker based on SWCNT-grafted dendritic Au nanostructure for early detection of prostate cancer

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نويسندگان: اسکندر امیدی نیا

کلمات کليدي: miRNA-21, Electrochemical nano-genosensor, Oligonucleotide, Dendritic gold nanostructures, Single wall carbon nanotubes, Prostate cancer

نشريه: TALANTA , - , , 2020

اطلاعات کلي مقاله

کد مقاله 3070
عنوان فارسي مقاله Electrochemical nano-genosensor for highly sensitive detection of miR-21 biomarker based on SWCNT-grafted dendritic Au nanostructure for early detection of prostate cancer
عنوان لاتين مقاله Electrochemical nano-genosensor for highly sensitive detection of miR-21 biomarker based on SWCNT-grafted dendritic Au nanostructure for early detection of prostate cancer
نوع مقاله Original Article
نحوه ايندکس شدن مقاله نمایه نوع یک – ISI - Web of Science
IF 4.916
عنوان نشريه TALANTA
نوع نشريه خارجی
شماره نشريه -
تاريخ انتشار 1398/12/01
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